Volunteer Opportunities

Contact Donna at donna.nylander@yahoo.com or our Grangemaster, Susan Bruce at suqubru@msn.com

Maybe you'd like to....

Help at one of our semi-annual Grange Hall clean-up days

Peel potatoes/cook turkeys/serve dinners for our big annual fundraiser

Bake pies for the Turkey Dinner

Provide entertainment at our Christmas Party
or our Easter Egg Hunt for developmentally delayed children.

Or maybe there's something else you'd like to do....?

Contact Donna or Susan (our Grangemaster), both listed above,
for more ideas!

Volunteers are always appreciated!

Please let us know if you are interested in becoming a Grange member.
Volunteering at some of our functions is a good way for us to get to know you, and visa-versa.

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© 1999 by the Kinton Grange
Updated September 27, 2004