Junior Grange

Junior Grangers Used to meet on the second Friday of every month at 7:30 at the Kinton Grange.
The Kinton Junior Grange has 10 members currently.
We generally start our meeting about 7:30 PM,
then afterwards we do a craft project and have a snack.

Here are some of the Junior Grange Members, taking a break from
their kitchen duties at the Kinton Grange's annual fundraiser.

Who are these people and what are they saying? Listen in

Junior Grangers have a Christmas party and gift exchange.

We also enjoy a week of Summer Camp, working on projects throughout the year to earn our own way.

We work at the anual Kinton Grange Turkey Dinner.

This is a good opportunity for children to learn to run meetings using Parlimentay Procedure and Roberts Rules of Order.

Showing off the crafts we made at our November 2004 Meeting.
These pinecone turkeys were displayed at a car center in Hillsboro on Thanksgiving day.

We created this paper wagon train
for the Junior Granger's booth at the Washington County Fair.
Officers were elected for 2005 at our November 2004 meeting.

Master- J.C.
Overseer- Anna
Steward- Cameron
Assistant Steward- Bailey
Lady Assistant Steward- Allison
Chaplain- Candace
Secretary- Jimmy
Treasurer- Matthew
Gatekeeper- Andrew
Ceres- Juliah

(Thanks to Kelli for all this information!)


Darla States runs Junior Grange.
To contact her, call 503-625-5385.
Her email is: dsstates@yahoo.com

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© 1999 by the Kinton Grange
Updated 9-28-04; 7/5/05    Webmistress: Susan Peter
Website by : www.SueMap.com     E-mail link : SueMap@aol.com